None of the personal data being registered on RESTAHEAD WEBSHOP will at any time be transferred or sold to third party. All information will be stored in a safe manner, and will only be accessible to people working at RESTAHEAD WEBSHOP and trusted persons that RESTAHEAD WEBSHOP contracts with to run this webshop.
For electronic payment we use an encryption method through one of Denmarks largest Webshop providers. All your card information is encrypted by use of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. This means that extraneous cannot read your card number or other information under the transaction with Nets (One of Northern Europes largest providers of payment solutions and transaction clearing companies).
The shop system uses so-called cookies for keeping track of the contents of the shopping cart. A cookie is the denomination of a file that is being saved to your computer. We use these cookies to recognize you and e.g. remember which goods are in your shopping cart, when you shop online at RESTAHEAD WEBSHOP. If you wish it is possible to ask the system to save your address information for your next visit. If at a later point in time you wish to delete such information this can be done via the browser settings. In Internet Explorer for example this is done via the menu “Functions” and the “Menu point” “Internet settings”.
When placing an order we ask for name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. This information is used solely to expedite your order. The information is transmitted and stored electronically in an unencrypted manner and is saved for 5 years cf. The Danish “Bookeeping Act” (Bogføringsloven). The agreement of purchase itself is not stored in a manner so that you will be able to access, see, and change status at a later stage.
Furthermore we register the IP address from which you place your order. This information is usually not used, but can be used in any police investigation that may arise. All false orders will be notified to the police.
Additionally you can opt to have your e-mail address listed on RESTAHEAD’S e-mailing list in order to receive news and other relevant information from RESTAHEAD. This service can be unsubscribed at any time.
According to the Danish “Person Data Act” (Persondataloven) you always have the right to object to registration of data about you at RESTAHEAD WEBSHOP, and to get insight into the information, that we have stored about you. This you can obtain by contacting RESTAHEAD WEBSHOP. On the basis of any objections we will correct errors and make deletions if necessary.
Contact us if you didn’t find the answer to your question